Proven Attorneys Working For Your Best Interests

Experienced Administrative Tribunal Attorneys

Lawyers at Krasnoo, Klehm & Falkner LLP represent clients in many different aspects of administrative law, depending on clients’ needs. To each client in the Merrimack Valley, they give personal attention. Their work involves a broad spectrum of administrative law matters before government and local entities.

Serving In A Variety Of Complex Situations

Members of their team represent convicted sex offenders before the Sex Offender Registry Board (SORB) of Massachusetts. The board is responsible for keeping a database of convicted sex offenders and classifying each offender so that the public may receive the information. When this information is incorrect or unwarranted, the attorneys can file a complaint for judicial review, petitioning a judge to order a review of the procedures followed when classifying a sex offender.

Lawyers at Krasnoo, Klehm & Falkner LLP also work with employees who have been terminated from or faced other unfavorable actions by federal agencies. These employees often have the right to appeal to the United States Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), challenging events related to federal employment. These may include performance-based removals or reductions in grade, denials of within-grade salary increase, reduction-in-force actions, OPM employment practices, denials of restoration or reemployment rights and other matters.

Attorneys at the firm also handle matters before various professional licensing boards. They represent lawyers, doctors, real estate agents, teachers, certified public accountants and other professionals. Often, this work is done in conjunction with criminal defense cases, as lawyers at the firm seek to protect clients’ professional licenses after arrests or convictions.

Ready To Represent Your Interests And Protect Your Rights

If you are considering legal action regarding an administrative law matter, contact Krasnoo, Klehm & Falkner LLP at 978-475-9955. From their Andover office, the firm can assist clients in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.