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Fighting For Boston Workers Facing Wrongful Termination

In Massachusetts, employment is typically at-will, meaning your employer can terminate your job anytime. However, there are certain things your employer cannot fire you over. If you believe your employer wrongfully fired you, Krasnoo, Klehm & Falkner LLP is here to protect your rights and seek the justice you deserve. Their attorneys have over 100 years of combined experience and are ready to pursue justice on your behalf aggressively.

What Does Wrongful Termination Look Like In The Workplace?

In Massachusetts, wrongful termination can occur in a few different ways. Those include firing an employee for:

  • Discriminatory reasons such as their race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, pregnancy status, disability, age, genetic information, military status, etc.
  • Refusing to participate in illegal activities when requested by an employer
  • Whistleblowing illegal activities or unethical behavior in the workplace

You may have a viable case if you suspect your employer fired you for any of these reasons. Contact Krasnoo, Klehm & Falkner LLP today at 978-475-9955 to build a robust case.

Signs Of Wrongful Termination Due To Discrimination

If you suspect discrimination played a role in your termination, consider these telltale signs:

  • Sudden negative performance reviews after requesting an accommodation.
  • Hostile remarks or behavior from supervisors regarding your race, sex, religion, disability or other protected class.
  • Supervisors treat you differently from coworkers who do not share your protected class.
  • Sudden mistreatment from managers or supervisors after announcing your pregnancy.

Recognizing these signs is crucial. If any of them resonate with your situation, seek legal counsel as soon as possible.

Signs Of Wrongful Termination Due To Whistleblowing

Employers also can’t fire you for exercising your rights such as whistleblowing or reporting illegal activities. Retaliation for standing up against workplace misconduct is against the law.

If you believe your employer engaged in wrongful termination for your whistleblowing, watch for these signs:

  • Your supervisor suddenly reduces your responsibilities without explanation.
  • You find others excluding you from meetings or other company communications.
  • You receive unwarranted disciplinary actions from management.
  • Your supervisor instructs your coworkers not to interact with you.

Any of these actions before your termination may be considered retaliatory.

What To Do If You Suspect Wrongful Termination

If you believe you are a victim of wrongful termination, it’s essential to act quickly. Gather every document you can leading up to your termination. This can include emails, performance reviews and any record of discriminatory comments made by your manager or other leaders at your company. Gathering evidence can help you build a robust and credible case. Then, contact a law firm that takes on employment law cases.

Fight Against Employer Mistreatment

Facing wrongful termination can be a frustrating, upsetting and terrifying experience. You should never face this kind of treatment for who you are or for trying to do the right thing. If you fall victim to wrongful termination, you can count on the lawyers at Krasnoo, Klehm & Falkner LLP. They are ready to stand by your side and help you pursue the justice you deserve.

You can schedule an initial consultation today by calling 978-475-9955 or emailing them through their online contact form.

The firm takes employment law cases throughout the Boston metro.